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Why diving?

Why should you dive? Why take risks? Let me give you some good reasons.

What could be more counter-intuitive than going underwater with a breathing device? Not much except to jump from a plane with a parachute (I did it and I confirm that it is really not comforting) And yet, it is possible!


Known as SCUBA for Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus, this system allows humans to breathe and live, well say to hang around underwater, for a limited time naturally, with a high level of safety. No need to stray too deeply into the technique if you are not interested. The basics will be enough to have fun.

6 good reasons to start

1. Nature's beauty

This is probably enough to convince divers. Our seas and oceans are teeming with life, a life that follows its rhythm, its rules, without us, despite our direct or indirect influence. It's almost a parallel world, a world in itself. Admiring the flora and fauna will give you pleasure and even emotions during encounters with underwater species.

A world you might not even know existed lies a few feet underwater. If nature interests you, if you are somewhat curious to see marine flora and fauna other than on television or in a zoo, then you will be delighted. From nudibranchs to sharks, including turtles, morays and scorpionfish, you will be suprised and intrigued by their way of life.

2. Discover lakes and oceans

We "earthlings", in the sense of non-marine species, tend to forget it, but the oceans cover 70% of the Earth's surface (Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic, Antarctic, Indian). This is substantial and yet we ignore it most of the time.

They are essential to the functioning of our planet. Diving will help you become more aware of these enormous spaces and their rules (current, tide, etc.). Perhaps closer to you there is a freshwater lake that also hide treasuries.

Without going into a geography course, remember that the oceans are home to the majority of living species on Earth (50 to 80% according to estimates), generate more than 60% of ecosystem services (maintenance of the ecosystem for production) which allow us to live, starting with the production of most of the oxygen we breathe. They absorb about 30% of the CO2 emissions generated by humanity, which causes theiracidification. The oceans regulate the Earth's climate by more than 80%. They play a major role in the temperature of the earth.

I have the naivety to believe that exploring them, touching them and understanding them helps us to respect them better.

Those who are motivated can join associations working to protect the oceans and why not actively participate, for example in seabed cleaning operations which are organized regularly.

3. Relaxation

Take a break. We all need it in a fast moving world. Diving will offer you moments of relaxation, by cutting you off from the human world, in peace, without noise, by following the rhythm that nature will impose on you in an element that is not yours. A very good way to relieve your stress! You will let yourself go (well, but please stay in control ofthe situation). Underwater, you will separate yourself from the usual landmarks to disconnect. Your mind will relax (while remaining alert on security aspects naturally). A good time to clear your head and forget the rest!

4. Learn about yourself

Without entering into cheap psychology, some of you may discover themselves a new facet. Indeed, diving requires a certain mastery of body and mind because you will be in an element that is not natural for humans: concentration, coordination, stress control, breathing, Underwater communication is required for safe diving. Personally, it took a while for me to control my breathing and relax underwater, as well as focusing on what was around me rather than checking my gear and air level every thirty seconds! You will learn to be more cool ... at least for those who need it.

5. Meeting/ Networking

I am not talking here about meeting a shark but other divers. It is not uncommon to create new friendship, find your new best half or for you to find an associate for a project that has absolutely nothing to do with diving. Or simply to form a group of people for your dives (which was my case). Everything is possible !

Connections will often be good, rarely bad. As always in human relations, sometimes it hooks, sometimes not. You will meet people from all walks of life, all countries, from all backgrounds. It will enrich you. You will learn, you will receive, you will give.

6. Learning

Last but not least in my opinion: learning.

Learning about nature (if you will allow me this shortcut), but also technique: diving equipment, physiology, chemistry and physics (not too complicate don't worry). For the most curious among you, I strongly advise you to deep dive in these aspects. The more you understand how your body works underwater and your equipment, the safer and happier you'll dive.

For those who decide to push a little either for their personal pleasure or by becoming a Divemaster, Instructor and more, this will be the opportunity to learn (or re-learn) the basic concepts of physics (pressure), chemistry (mixtures of gas) and redo a little math (not much, I promise). More seriously, it dust off the brain a bit and it feels good!

Those who like everything technical aspects in general will surely find interest in diving equipment (regulators, vests, materials, computers, etc.). It will keep them busy for some time ...

Do not hesitate any longer.

Sincerely yours.

The diving bear.

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