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Focus: dive computer Suunto Zoop

The dive computer, an essential element for your comfort and safety.

Dear reader, good day!

Today I want to present a review of the Suunto Zoop dive computer. You certainly saw it before, since it is a very popular computer and has many qualities. This is not the latest model. Suunto currently sells the Zoop Novo and Vyper Novo and I will talk about them briefly at the end of this post but there is a good chance that those who do not have a computer will be given the Suunto Zoop if you rent your equipement. It remains largely in used in by diving centers.

«If I had to sum up her qualities, I would compare her to a Swiss Army knife »

Size: 61.4 x 60.6 x 27.2 mm

Weight: 68g

Facet: Composite

Glass: Acrylic

Case: Elastomer

Indicative price: New USD 250 (indicative)

A computer to dive

Why use or buy a dive computer? "My buddy has one, that's enough", "The divemaster who guides our group has one", "The instructor has one and I follow his instructions" etc. are all answers I have heard. Why not. But in my, opinion this is an important element for your comfort and safety which justifies a small investment. The Suunto Zoop (and newer models) will meet your expectations for leasure diving.

A Swiss knife

Okay, being Swiss I tend to compare things with what is done back home. The comparison is a little easy, but not totally wrong. Indeed this watch has multiple functions, you will probably not use it to its maximum. However, it's nice to have choices, isn't it?


- Air and Nitrox modes (oxygen up to 50% which is well beyond the current practice in leasure diving).

- Suunto RGBM decompression calculation system (algorithm).

- Integrated dive planner.

- Mountable on the wrist or on your console. If like me you keep it on the wrist, take a bracelet long enough in order to have a little margin to fit with the thickness of your wet-suit or, as some do, attach it to a hook on you BCD (which I do not not recommend).

- Metric or imperial units.

- It gives the time, date and you can set alarms.

- Works in waters ranging from 0 to 40 ° C (I have to test these extremes one day).

A good mix

- Easy to read: the characters are written large enough for an easy reading day and night (at night, just light up the computer for a few seconds with your torch) thanks to the phosphorescent LCD screen. There are seven display modes.

- Easy to use: I am not giving you a lesson on how to use it (for that I refer you to the manual). But I confirm, it's simple. A Proof? Even I can use it!

- Solid: as you can see, it is surrounded by a large protective block. It won't break so quick. Well, don't try too hard though.

- Suitable for temperatures below zero degrees Celsius (another thing that I must test).

According to the manual, it works down to 100 meters deep (ISO 6425, EN 13319, I haven't tested it...yet).

- Maintenance: nothing to do (isn't that nice?) Except to rinse it after your dive to remove the salt and other particles that you bring back. As for the maintenance service, go to the seller or another store but opt ​​for someone who is certified to do it ... Suunto estimates that the battery last 100 dives per year or 1.5 years. I changed mine after 130 dives. So it last long clearly.

- Popularity: there are a lot of them, so you won't have any difficulty buying it second-hand, having it serviced, repaired or even selling it.

- Quality: it is manufactured by Sunnto which gives you Finnish quality.

Source: Suunto

Using it

  • Automatic activation when you enter the water. Automatic shutdown after some time (once you are out of the water of course).

  • Remember to choose Air or Nitrox mode before diving. If you are on Nitrox, please adjust the oxygen level to avoid unpleasant surprises.

  • You will get alarms in various situations: dive time, depth, partial pressure of oxygen is too high (hyperoxic), ascent too fast, failure to respect the ceiling for decompression, CNS / OTU 80% / 100% (for those who like the technique).

  • The "log book" records the usual data (dive time, maximum depth, temperature). Do not forget to fill in the manual log book because after 50 hours the memory will be full.

  • There is a small drawing, an airplane, which tells you that it is still too early to take off (remember the safety rule, wait 24 before flying).

Getting started is easy and you will navigate through the modes without too much difficulty after a few tries. The only thing that is a little painful, when you are not used to it, is to find the last dives in the log book because the path is not intuitive. So let's get to work!

I have no particular criticism of this computer. It's the first one I bought and I never changed it. Some will say that it lacks style, that it is too "diving school" style and would prefer more "fashion" models which are less bulky and look like watches. It's a matter of taste. For my part, 20m under the water I don't care about the cool aspect and I prefer a computer which i can read without having to take out a magnifying glass. Finally, if you opt for this model, avoid taking it yellow. Most dive centers buy it in yellow, choose another color ...

To finish, a little word on the more recent models. You can find a complete comparison table on the Suunto website but here are some key points:

- Both are heavier than the Suunto Zoop with respectively 120g for the Zoop Novo and 134g for the Vyper Novo.

- The materials are the same.

- Resistance to depth can be reduced with 80m compared to 100m for the Suunto Zoop.

- Similar battery life.

- The same functionalities as on the Suunto Zoop with some extras such as "freediving"; adjustment for altitude; up to 3 types of gas mixtures for the Vyper Novo; a slightly bigger log-book.

- The major development is the possibility of wireless connection to your air cylinder for the Vyper Novo (optional).

- The types of alarms are similar but with the addition of a "deep stop violation". If you are in wireless connection you will also have an alert on your air level, time remaining and the possibility of changing the type of gas.

- Digital compass for Vyper Novo.

See you soon for a new review.

Sincerely yours.


The diving bear.

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